Actionable Insights now has a Xactimate Profile similar to the Contractor & Carrier Profiles that come with Xactimate. Along with access to all the Insights Sheet Macros, the profile includes Actionable's industry-standard default preferences that focus on accurate and transparent estimating. The profile also gives you access to a brand-new Inspection Engine that leverages the Insight Sheet Database to give live estimating guidance while you write in Xact. When you are ready for live estimating guidance, you simply hit Complete and take care of any warranted overages or omissions.
No more mistakes, no more missed line items. We gave every Actionable Xactimate Profile an optimized inspection engine as standard. Automatically scan your estimate for any warranted overages or omissions, guiding you to crafting a more accurate estimate.
We rewrote the record books with Actionable's industry standard default preferences preloaded into every Profile. You get changes to wall, window, door, and carpet calculations that focus on accurate and transparent estimating.